Modern Building Services

28 MODERN BUILDING SERVICES JANUARY 2022 E vaporative cooling systems and their water treatment strategies help optimize building performance and contribute to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification and other sustainability programs. Even in areas challenged by hot, arid climates, including most of the Middle East and the southwestern United States, evaporative cooling systems offer economical, energy- efficient solutions for green building design, construction and maintenance. The following Q&A resulted from a survey of engineers and cooling tower experts inside and outside SPX Cooling Technologies to better understand how cooling towers can contribute to successful LEED projects and other sustainability initiatives. Tell us about LEED and other sustainability initiatives, and why they are important. Initially developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and now recognized worldwide, LEED is a rating systemdesigned to evaluate and promote construction of resource-efficient buildings that support sustainable, healthy- living environments. Points are awarded for fulfilling nine separate categories, among themwater efficiency and energy savings, with total credits determining a building’s certification level. Four levels of project certification are available: Certified 40-49 points; Silver 50-59; Gold 60-69 and Platinum80+. It takes a holistic, performance-based approach to sustainability, ensuring that buildings can prove energy and water savings, and that they incorporate environmentally friendly materials and resources. The USGBC also acknowledges environmental standards outside of the U.S. – in over 165 countries and territories – recognizing communities in Europe and the Middle East that are among the world’s leading proponents of green building. In the HVAC industry, LEED supplements the efficiency standards of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). LEED certification is desirable because, with a rating from a globally recognized third-party system, it reflects the overall excellence and integrity of a building’s design, construction and operational systems. Meanwhile, ASHRAE traditionally focuses on HVAC-specific construction components – for example, louvers and drift eliminators installed on a cooling tower that prevent water splash-out and support water conservation efforts, or the use of variable frequency drives with fan motors to save energy. Another rating guide, the UK- established Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), is well-known throughout Europe. BREEAM aims to assess, rate and certify a building’s sustainability in an effort to reduce the negative environmental effects of construction and development. An emerging concept guiding best environmental practices for commercial and industrial professionals worldwide is the Circular Economy (CE). CE calls to replace the traditional linear economy – take, make, dispose – and instead optimize our existing resources: use them as long as possible, extracting maximum value before finally recovering and regenerating products and materials, whenever possible, after their initial service life ends. For example, Marley® stainless steel cooling towers can comprise up to 100 percent recycled material, and some galvanized steel towers comprise at least 23 percent recycled material. When decommissioned, the steel can again be recycled for other uses, a cycle that supports the circular economy philosophy. What advance planning and preparation is required of building design teams who wish to incorporate evaporative cooling in LEED projects? Because most buildings constructed today employ some method for cooling indoor air, engineers and architects may seek the most efficient, environmentally sustainable method possible. FEATURE WORKING BUILDINGS Advice on ways specific cooling solutions can contribute to LEED certification and sustainability initiatives. Contributions made by Ashley Eusey , LEED AP, Sustainability Manager at Hoefer Wysocki – an interdisciplinary architecture, planning and interior design firm Evaporative Cooling Strategies for Energy andWater Conservation WORKING BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE, OPERATION & REFURBISHMENT

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