Modern Building Services
MODERN BUILDING SERVICES AUGUST 2022 5 INDUSTRY NEWS Grenfell is the building Industry’s piper alpha says CIBSE EDIT FURTHER The most fundamental reform to Building Regulations for decades, the Building Safety Act creates a new Building Safety Regulator and introduces a more rigorous regime for the planning, design, construction, and operation of higher-risk buildings. In many cases, these changes have been needed for years. It is a tragedy that it took an incident of the scale and horror of the Grenfell Tower fire to produce a fundamental re-evaluation of the industry, but if the sweeping reforms spelt out in the Act can change the culture of the industry, then some good will have been salvaged. It is good to see the Act recognise that it takes qualified, competent people to design safe, properly engineered buildings and CIBSE welcomes the focus on competence, particularly of designers and contractors. It is made clear in the Act that clients must satisfy themselves that those they employ are competent, individually and organisationally, to undertake the work that they are being appointed to do. The Act is very likely to increase the focus on Engineering Council registration as evidence of knowledge, skills, experience and behaviour. We anticipate and welcome the introduction of mandatory CPD requirements and revalidation. Even for thosemembers who are not registered with the Engineering Council, CPDwill need to be takenmore seriously. Thirty years ago, the Piper Alpha disaster was the trigger for a radical cultural and safety reform in the offshore industry, the legacy of Grenfell must be that it is construction’s Piper Alpha. CIBSE is totally committed to work with its members, their employers, government, including the new Building Safety Regulator, BSI as the National Standards Body and all interested parties to deliver a system of building legislation that delivers safe and sustainable buildings. CIBSE’s Introduction to the Building Safety Act training course takes place over a series of dates from 28 June. To find out more go to Vital Energi secure £72m of PSDS 3 funding for the public sector Dedicated to helping the UK achieve its net zero ambitions, Vital Energi has secured £72.3m of Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme funding for clients across the country, and will deliver projects using the latest technologies to save almost 15,000 tonnes of carbon per year. The PSDS funding is administered by Salix Finance on behalf of the Government’s Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), who have just announced that £553m has been made available through Phase 3a of PSDS to 160 public sector organisations across the country. This funding is the first part of an overall £1.425bn due to be allocated through Phase 3 over the next three years until 2025. We’ve worked closely with our clients to navigate them through the PSDS 3 application process, helping secure 13% of the total funding amount for 9 projects across a range of public sector organisations, including NHS trusts and law courts. . BPMAMembership Enjoys Further Boost The British PumpManufacturers Association (BPMA), which represents the business interests of UK and Irish suppliers of liquid pumps and pump-related equipment has enjoyed furthermembership growth in recent weeks, with three new full members joining the association. BPS Pumps, the manufacturers of Beresford pumps, who offer the PV and BY ranges aimed at chemical and fuel transfer applications. Also recognising the benefits of BPMA membership are liquid transfer, emptying, mixing, filling, dispensing, and metering specialist Flux Pumps International (UK). M Seals UK, a specialist manufacturer of engineered sealing solutions, completed the trio of newmembers. Additionally, four associate members have also joined the BPMA recently, all of which have strong links to the pump sector. Conexiom, Rustek SA, KiwaWatertec and finally, on a reciprocal basis, the Association of Electrical and Mechanical Trades (AEMT), which represents and supports the interests of UK and international electromechanical repair businesses. AEMT’s key aim is to help develop and deliver training in the repair of pumps and pump-related systems.
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