INFO DESKS @the_isba Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation (RNCSF) RNCSF works across the UK’s boarding and independent school sector to expand the number of 110 percent bursary places (those that cover all fees and extras) and ensure that these opportunities are targeted towards young people who most need them; children in or on the edge of care, or growing up in households within areas of the UK where opportunities to flourish are limited. RNCSF identifies, prepares and supports pupils to ensure that they thrive in bursary placements, and their 95 percent retention rate is testament to the scaffolding that they put in place with community partners, charities and local authorities to aid transition. RNCSF is now looking to scale its impact by building its network of accredited schools, increasing the number of SpringBoarders they support, and amplifying the potential role that bursaries can play in helping to address social mobility and lift outcomes for children in care. Contact: Ali Henderson SDS Group SDS provides the system-tech behind ISBA’s members’ online reference library and will be at the conference to provide help and guidance in using the service. SDS will also be showcasing ISBA’s latest service – The ISBA Inspection Tool Solution. SDS works with more than 500 UK independent schools specialising in records management and the digitisation of both administrative and heritage archives (the paperless office and born digital). SDS are document management experts and a leading UK scanning-bureau. “ISBA works closely with SDS. They use their technical skills imaginatively to the continuing benefit of ISBA itself and our member schools”. David Woodgate, ISBA chief executive. Contact: Mark Coleman C M Y CM MY CY CMY K MYA Advert - Bursars Review Conf Edition 23 (PRINT READY) (A6) (High-res Vsn 3 - 2 Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) is a leading professional body representing more than 24,000 school and college senior leaders across the UK. ASCL works to shape national education policy, provide expert advice and support to members helping to deliver first class professional development (PD) within the maintained and independent sectors. ASCL works closely with the Independent School Council and affiliated associations including ISBA. ASCL offers individual membership, professional advice and support to bursars and school business leaders from the independent sector. Contact: Lynne Horner, independent school policy specialist

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