80 HEADLINE PARTNER Our achievements in the past 18 months... • 680 travel claims handled for 144 Schools. • £3,771,309 paid to date in cancellation of travel plans. • Since the outbreak of COVID-19 we have arranged average travel payments of £6,264.63 every single day • We have handled three percent of the UK’s entire estimated travel losses without a single declinature. • We have agreed settlement even if travel agents refused to pay legally owed refunds. • We conducted 10 separate webinars on COVID-19 claims including sessions on how to calculate your loss; FCA test case update; future liability claims and policy wording reviews. • We conducted separate risk management webinars; factors to consider when re-opening schools. • Our adjusting team conducted online meetings providing bespoke advice on how a school’s insurance policy reacts to COVID-19 Business interruption (BI) claims. • Of the 194 COVID-19 BI claims received only 19 percent have been closed with no liability attaching. • We have secured 112 BI policy admissions of liability with £3.3 million paid to date. • On average £5,582 has been paid to our clients for COVID-19 BI losses every day during lockdown. During the past 18 months we have been tested in so many ways; the independent school sector has challenged us continually and you have turned to us for help, both in COVID-19 risk enquiries; in challenging the escalating cost of transferring risk with other providers; and also, in seeking assistance in COVID-19 claims’ settlement. So, here are just a few statistics that we would like to share with you to demonstrate the measure of our commitment to you – the measure of a true specialist. So, we raised the question earlier, what makes a true specialist? We think you will agree that at Hettle Andrews we continue to prove that we deserve to be known as specialist brokers and risk managers to your sector. We invite you to visit us on Stand 124 and have a chat with us about any ongoing issues you may have; what’s more we have some surprises for you on stand to take back to your schools! • We privately funded over £30k in legal advice from Indemnity Legal and Counsel without charging our clients. • We provided 24-hour access to qualified adjusters. • We provided live chat facility for schools to contact us online for COVID-19 enquiries and answered in excess of 500 live chat requests. • We were the first to produce a COVID-19 risk assessment form template unique to the independent school sector – free of charge. • We produced a returning to school questionnaire; a visitor and contractor induction checklist; a suspected or confirmed case report form; a temporary home-worker self-assessment checklist; first aid during the pandemic advice; new and expectant mothers risk assessment form during COVID-19 and numerous guides to working from home. • We launched a COVID-19 risk assessment desktop review. • And for those schools happy to see us on site we converted this to an onsite risk management review too. • We created an educational visits template to use during the pandemic. • We adapted our training offering to be able to conduct H&S induction via Microsoft teams. • We adapted H&S training to Microsoft teams delivered during inset days. • Our ONE product saw an unprecedented number of queries direct to the Broking and Risk Management team with daily queries in excess of 20 per day throughout the pandemic. • We held hands with our clients through HSE intervention visits and helped them to pass the audits with ease. • And importantly we haven’t lost one client throughout the entire period and what’s more our portfolio has grown by 10 percent through the addition of new clients all seeking a specialist adviser.

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