52 CONFERENCE SPEAKERS Keynote Panel 16.00 – 17.15 AI and education – comfortable bedfellows? Julie Robinson, chair Julie is chief executive officer of the Independent Schools Council (ISC). Originally a teacher, Julie served as head of two prep schools over a period of eleven years. She was education and training director for the IAPS (prep schools’ association) for five years and joined the ISC in 2015. ISC works with stakeholders AGBIS, GSA, HMC, ISA, IAPS, ISBA, Society of Heads, BSA, COBIS, SCIS and WISC to inform and promote independent schools. Julie champions the sector in the national media. ISC’s data analysis and research informs advocacy of the sector and ISC provides a united voice for the sector in Westminster. Julie is a school governor at a state school as well as an independent school in London. Dr Jonnie Penn, FRSA, author, technologist, activist and public speaker (See Jonnie’s biography on page 24) and Sir Anthony Seldon, contemporary historian, educationalist, commentator and political author (See Anthony’s biography on page 26) Plenary 17.15 – 17.30 Chair’s closing remarks Eleanor Sharman, chair of ISBA board, bursar at Rendcomb College At the tender age of seven Eleanor announced her career choice to her bemused family: hotel general manager. Some 25 years later she had achieved her aim and acquired skills along the way in managing people, premises, resources, finances and problems – all whilst remaining calm! Looking for a more manageable work-life balance she decided to change career, and having seen the positive effect the independent sector was already having on her two young children, she realised that her skills would transfer well into a bursarial role. A spell in a sixth form college, followed by two roles in state primary schools, was an excellent grounding before she applied for, and was successful in obtaining, the post of bursar at Rendcomb in early 2010. During her 10 years there, the school has undergone significant change, and they should have celebrated their centenary in 2020 – until Covid came along. Eleanor has recently become a governor at a local maintained primary school and in her spare time she enjoys gardening and a moderate amount of running. Speaker at the ISBA annual dinner Tracy Edwards MBE (See Tracy’s biography on page 28) This is the speaker list at the time of publication. Occasionally, speakers can change before the conference due to events beyond our control. Please do check the conference programme online at or via the conference App at the time of the event for the most up to date speaker list.

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