ACR Journal

CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai 21 CHILLERS Virtual call-out Response to a problem is rapid, however we also routinely log on to the chillers at least once each month to observe any issues and apply minor seasonal adjustments. For each service visit a detailed report is issued to the client. Training with RODEM Our training sessions utilise our chiller simulator to allow our sta to interact with the system and better understand how changes in a chiller’s operation can be observed and acted upon using RODEM. They can also learn how to assess a chiller, and apply adjustments. Training then extends to observations and adjustments of live chillers via live RODEM units. Servicing becomes free with RODEM We believe RODEM is the most powerful service tool EVER developed for chillers. We are pleased to be at the cutting edge of this technology for the benefit of our clients. Not all the benefits can be shown with a specific cost saving, but here is an example we believe is reasonable. Typical net service costs becomes negative … Many issues can be resolved remotely, following autoemail alerts RODEM on a chiller after controls replacement

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