Potato Review

L.Evans & Son (Hfd) Ltd. Crown House, Canon Pyon Hereford HR4 8PE sales@len-evans.com Tel. 01432 830722 www.len-evans.com 2018 Grimme Varitron 270 platinum, double sep £POA 2012 Grimme Varitron 220, double sep £POA 2018 Grimme GT170S, double sep, wheel drive. low acre £POA 2003 Grimme GZ1700 DLS, RS unit, wheel-drive £15,000 2001 Grimme GZ1700 DLS, RS unit, wheel-drive £6,500 2014 Standen T2, omega cleaner, wheel-drive £69,000 2017 Grimme GB330 Planter c/w fert unit £49,000 䔀渀猀甀爀攀猀 琀栀攀 漀瀀琀椀洀甀洀 爀攀猀甀氀琀 椀猀 愀挀栀椀攀瘀攀搀 椀渀 琀栀攀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀琀甀爀椀渀最 瀀爀漀挀攀猀猀 漀昀 昀漀漀搀猀 猀甀挀栀 愀猀 挀爀椀猀瀀猀Ⰰ 昀爀礀椀渀最 挀栀椀瀀猀Ⰰ 瀀漀琀愀琀漀 眀攀搀最攀猀 攀琀挀 吀攀猀琀 愀琀 椀渀琀愀欀攀 瀀漀椀渀琀猀 漀爀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 搀椀猀瀀愀琀挀栀 倀漀琀愀琀漀 䠀礀搀爀漀洀攀琀攀爀 ㌀ 爀愀渀最攀猀 愀瘀愀椀氀愀戀氀攀㨀 ㄀㜀 ⴀ ㈀㔀─ 搀爀礀 洀愀琀琀攀爀 ㄀㐀 ⴀ ㈀㌀─ 搀爀礀 洀愀琀琀攀爀 ㄀㠀 ⴀ ㈀㜀─ 搀爀礀 洀愀琀琀攀爀 Bulk Storage Fans Glycol Inverters Box Storage Refrigeration Insulation Louvres Controls Broadwater Machinery Ltd 01728 723221 E: broadwatermach@yahoo.co.uk W: www.broadwaterltd.com ROTATINGAHEAD IN THE FIELD BOX ROTATORS & FORWARD TIPPLERS K54 – Europe’s best selling agri box rotator for any handler K80 forward tippler gentle & quick box tipping. Very adaptable & easy to operate GRIMME UK took its Varitron 220 demonstrator to Brooksby Melton College in Leicestershire last month to harvest nine acres of maincrop potatoes, an exercise designed to give engineering students first-hand experience of the company’s crop handling equi ment. Grimme sends all its apprentices to Brooksby and aims to work closely with them to provide opportunities they might not ot herwise enjoy. All college stud ents we re welcomed on both days to s ee how the machinery performed. ‘Grimme Academy students really gain from this experience as they are fully responsible for the preparation, planting and harvesting of the crop,’ said a company spokesman. ‘This year’s they were given the opportu- nity to drive one of our flagship har- vesters. Guided by the team from Grimme UK and their college tutors, students were shown how to operate the machine correctly, including adjustment of topper height, digging depth, web agitation, haulm separa- tion and clod removal.’ Back in the yard the crop was graded using a Grimme RH24-60 Combi Unit and loaded into bulk ers using an SL145 store loader. Experts were on hand over the two days to demonstrate the different kinds of tuber damage that can occur durin g harvest an d handling, offering advice on how to avoid it. 18   POTATO REVIEW NOVEMBER 2016 at Brooksby Melton College. Unit 4, Five Mile Business Park, Washingborough, Lincoln LN4 1#F Tel: 01522 797222 Fax: 01522 797555 www.storedcrop.co.uk CertNo 8880 • Store hygiene • Post harvest treatment of stored crop • Sprout control Potato and crop storage treatments since 1971 protecting your profits         0161 821 1555 07771 638560 www.potatoquilts.com philipjohnharrison@hotmail.com in ld t. 01904 481111 , Dunnington York, YO19 5AE 30/06/2014 15:37 Blackburn Potato Chitting Crate Pellcroft Engineering Ltd Crop drying and storage equipment s ales@pellcroft.com 01526 3424 66 www.potatocrates.com The Blackburn Crate, saves time and labour, with minimum damage. The crate allows for easi r inspection and control of your potat es. Each crate holds 500kg Crate can be stacked up to 5 meters high, with unobstructed passage for light penetration and air movement. The bespoke design of th curved welded mesh interior, ensures that no surface of the potato is any more than 75mm from the light, giving the tub s a head start, encouraging faster growth. Move up in the world with Extendo 600 & 900 - Extending elevators Euro X - Standard elevators Inter-Store 600 & 900 - Single and double conveyors For further information on the Swift-Lift range contact your local Dealer, or Paul Johnson at: Terry Johnson Ltd Cranmore Lane, Holbeach, Lincs. PE12 7HT Tel: 01406 422286 Fax: 01406 426356 Elevators & Conveyors T D J High output, gentle handling and an excellent reputation for reliability and quality of manufacture make Swift-Lift elevators and conveyors your natural first choice TDJ 2/16/05 12:36 PM Page 1

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